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Wave Resort Dana Point

Meeting Date:

August 1, 2018

In October 2017, the Surfrider Foundation South Orange County Chapter appealed a luxury hotel development approved by the City of Dana Point through Local Coastal Development Permit CDP17-0008...

Navy 5-Year Training and Testing

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2018

The U.S. Department of the Navy submitted a consistency determination for their 5-Year Military Readiness Training and Testing Program Activities in Southern California. The training elements involve extensive use of active sonar and explosives...

Hueneme Beach Sediment Deposition

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2018

The Oxnard Harbor District, as part of the Port of Hueneme Deepening Project, proposed to place 30,000 cubic yards of sediment dredged from the Port of Hueneme at two sites that have been identified to receive the dredged material...

San Francisco Western Shoreline Area Plan LCP Amendment

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2018

The City and County of San Francisco proposed to amend their Land Use Plan (LUP), also referred to as the Western Shoreline Area Plan, by adding new policies related to coastal hazards. The proposed amendment primarily addresses erosion, flooding, and sea level rise...

Santa Barbara County short-term rentals

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2018

Santa Barbara County requested an amendment to its Local Coastal Program (LCP) to add new regulations to address short-term rentals and homestays. As proposed, the amendment excludes short-term rentals from residential zoning districts, except within a proposed Short-term Rentals Coastal Historic Overlay in the residentially zoned neighborhood of Miramar Beach...

Cease and Desist Order OceanAire Apartments Pacifica

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2018

On Thursday, the Commission heard a cease and desist order involving the collapse and closure, since December 2016, of a public access stairway and trail system that provides public access down a steep coastal bluff in Pacifica...

Solana Beach Defacto Seawall Reconsideration

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2018

In December 2017, the Commission denied an application to install a 90-foot long, preemptive “erodible” concrete seawall. The applicant then filed for reconsideration, the subject of this item.

Opal Cliffs Private Access Substantial Issue

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2018

The County-approved project that is the subject of this appeal is the result of a long and protracted case first initiated by Commission enforcement staff in 2006. While the permitting history between the Coastal Commission and the Opal Cliffs Recreation District...

Reconsideration of Monroe/Sloan Erodible Concrete Seawall

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2018

In December, 2017, the Commission denied a permit application to install a 90-foot long preemptive “erodible” concrete seawall. The applicant claims this decision merits reconsideration on the basis that the Commission committed three errors of law...

San Francisco PUC Redundancy Infrastructure

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2018

The City and County of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is proposing to construct new above-ground and subsurface redundancy wastewater infrastructure within a sea level rise and coastal hazard flood zone on the corner of the Great Highway and Sloat Boulevard fronting south Ocean Beach in San Francisco...

Cayucos Del Mar Hotel

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2018

The Cayucos Del Mar Hotel applicant, Frank DeCicco, proposed to subdivide 18 legal lots of record into three lots (two residential lots and one commercial lot) and to construct a 19-room, moderate cost, hotel (the “Cayucos Del Mar Hotel”) with associated underground hotel parking and landscaping...

Offshore Oil and Gas Opposition Letter

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2018

The Commission voted on a draft letter to the federal Bureau of Ocean and Energy management expressing the concern and strong opposition to the proposed federal 2019-2024 Draft Proposed National Oil and Gas Leasing Program...

San Clemente LUP Update

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2018

The LCP amendment consists of a comprehensive update to the certified City of San Clemente Land Use Plan (LUP), including the alignment of the California Coastal Trail, alternative parking strategies, limitations on preferential parking, protection of existing and provision of affordable overnight accommodations and more...

Malibu Parking Restriction

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2017

This item is an appeal of Local Coastal Development Permit to implement a 30-minute parking restriction between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. daily, and posting of parking restriction signs issued by the City of Malibu...

Solana Beach Erodible Concrete Seawall

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2017

The proposed project is for a CDP that would fill an existing notch in a coastal bluff with an erodible concrete mixture colored and sculpted to resemble the natural bluff. The notch is located on a city-owned beach fronting two existing single family residences in the City of Solana Beach...

Wave Resort Substantial Issue

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2017

This item is an appeal by the Surfrider Foundation of City of Dana Point Local Coastal Development Permit No. 17-0008 approved with conditions for the construction of a two-story, 35,000 square foot commercial development that consists of a 57-room hotel...

Cojo Jalama Ranch

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2017

This enforcement action addresses unpermitted development activities that were conducted across a large coastal property, known as the Cojo and Jalama Ranches in Santa Barbara County, which occupies an 11-mile swath of coastline on either side of Point Conception...

Sharp Park Coastal Armoring

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2017

San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (SFRPD) sought an after-the-fact authorization of a previously constructed shoreline armoring structure that is located seaward of the Sharp Park Golf Course in Pacifica, consisting of an earthen berm approximately 3,200 feet in total length...

Santa Monica City Services Building

Meeting Date:

October 1, 2017

The City of Santa Monica submitted a CDP application to construct three-story City Services Building. The addition will extend across the east elevation of City Hall. The City Services Building addition will be a “Living Building Challenge” certified building (i.e. Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Waste, Net Zero Water, etc...

Camino Del Mar - Del Mar Seawall

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2017

The proposed seawall would remove unpermitted and emergency shoreline armoring and allow a new seawall to be constructed in its place to protect a home that was constructed in 1980, after the Coastal Act went into effect. In 1987, a shoreline protection device was built without a CDP...

CEMEX Cease and Desist

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2017

Since the early 1900s, sand mining companies have extracted sand from the Monterey coast. Although almost all were eventually shut down, one located in Marina has continued to take sand from the coast for several decades...

Pacific Grove Retainment Wall

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2017

The City of Pacific Grove proposed to reconstruct a 31-by-5-foot portion of a bluff top retainment wall that collapsed during a storm last winter. The wall protects a coastal trail, outlook point and open space..

AB 1129 – Coastal Access and Preservation Act

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2017

This bill would amend PRC 30235 to define “existing structure” as structures built prior to January 1, 1977, and to specify that shoreline protection devices must be approved consistent with the Coastal Act policies protecting public access, shoreline ecology, natural landforms...

City of San Diego Secondary Treatment Waiver

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2017

The City of San Diego submitted a consistency certification for the reissuance of its secondary treatment waiver for the municipal discharges from its Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)...

Montecito Well Appeal - Ornamental Landscaping

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2017

The proposed project consists of construction of a new private water well for supplemental irrigation of extensive, ornamental landscaping on a 1.71-acre residential property...

Public Recreation Fee - Solana Beach LUP - Vote 1

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2017

The city of Solana Beach has been working to develop a method to mitigate for the impacts that coastal structures and non-erodible seacave/notch infills have on public access and recreation since 2007...

Public Recreation Fee - Solana Beach LUP - Vote 2

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2017

The city of Solana Beach has been working to develop a method to mitigate for the impacts that coastal structures and non-erodible seacave/notch infills have on public access and recreation since 2007...

Public Recreation Fee - Solana Beach LUP - Vote 3

Meeting Date:

The city of Solana Beach has been working to develop a method to mitigate for the impacts that coastal structures and non-erodible seacave/notch infills have on public access and recreation since 2007...

Crystal Cove State Beach Restoration

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2017

The Crystal Cove Historic District is a beachfront community of 46 historic cottages (from 1930-40s) that at one time were leased as private residential vacation cottages...

Newport Banning Ranch Revised Findings

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2017

California Coastal Commission staff submitted item Th12a, revised findings for application No. 5-15-2097 Newport Banning Ranch, LLC in Newport Beach. The purpose of reviewing the revised findings is solely to address whether they accurately reflect the Commission’s decision for the proposed development at the September 2016 hearing...

O'Neal Solana Beach Seawall

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2017

The proposed permit amendment seeks to revise the special conditions for a previously approved 256 ft. shoreline protection device in Solana Beach. The device was originally permitted in 2010 for 20 years to protect pre-Coastal Act development...

Solana Beach Tennis Club Seawall Revised Findings

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2017

The Solana Beach and Tennis Club shoreline armoring project was reviewed at the January 2016 Coastal Commission hearing and would have involved maintaining and expanding five existing sea cave infills with an additional 75-foot long “erodible” concrete notch in the coastal bluff...

Poseidon Resources LLC request for permit fee waiver

Meeting Date:

January 1, 2017

Item F 7a was a request by Poseidon Resources (Surfside), LLC asking the Commission to waive application fees for the resubmittal of their Huntington Beach Desalination Plant coastal development permit (CDP)...

City of Dana Point LCP Amendment - Strands Beach

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2016

The City of Dana Point submitted an Local Coastal Plan (LCP) request to amend the Land Use Plan (LUP) to establish hours of operation for the Mid-Strand and Central Strand public beach accessways (5 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and to allow the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit...

Civil Penalty Administration - the Lents

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2016

A private residence immediately adjacent to Malibu Beach and with private beach access was issued a Cease and Desist Order and Administrative Civil Penalty due to a failure to comply with the CDP requirement to provide a public accessway through their property...

San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project

Meeting Date:

December 1, 2016

The San Elijo Lagoon is located within the San Elijo Ecological Reserve in the southernmost part of the City of Encinitas. Due to historic impacts on the lagoon from surrounding development, the lagoon is degraded and remains in a state of continued decline..

ATF Shoreline Armoring Goleta Beach

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2016

This is a request by Santa Barbara County to amend a permit granted with conditions to include after-the-fact authorization for installation and retention of 3 sections of geotextile cells filled with cobble and earth...

Marin County LCP Update

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2016

Marin County has been working on a comprehensive update to its Local Coastal Program (LCP) for the past eight years. The update represents a significant policy shift in how Marin’s agricultural production lands, which comprise 2/3 of its coastal zone...

Titans of Mavericks Surf Contest

Meeting Date:

November 1, 2016

Request by Cartel Management Inc. to authorize an additional four years of the Titans of Mavericks surf contest subject to similar parameters as originally permitted. The original 2015 CDP authorized activities related to the one-day ‘Titans of Mavericks” surf contest...

Newport Banning Ranch

Meeting Date:

September 1, 2016

The long-awaited and much dreaded Newport Banning Ranch hearing finally arrived. Many questions awaited answers. Would the proposed development of the Newport Banning Ranch property be approved? If the project was approved...

Dunes Development (Venice)

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2016

This item is an appeal of a Coastal Development Permit approved by the City of Los Angeles to change a commercial retail space to a 2,831-sq.-foot restaurant. A key issue with this CDP is the lack of sufficient existing or proposed parking...

Encinitas Lindstrom Development

Meeting Date:

July 1, 2016

This project was appealed by Commissioners Mary Schallenberger and Esther Sanchez due to not conforming to the City of Encinitas’ certified Local Coastal Plan. The proposed project is a bluff top residential development. The permit...

Solana Beach Barr Development

Meeting Date:

June 1, 2016

This application for a new residence on a coastal bluff sparked grave concerns from coastal advocates, who cited the Coastal Act’s prohibition against new development that would require “protective devices that would substantially alter natural landforms...

AB 2002

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2016

AB 2002 was introduced by Assemblymembers Toni Atkins, Mark Stone and Marc Levine immediately after the Commission fired former Executive Director Charles Lester. The bill requires any agent that lobbies the Commission to register...

McGaughey Development

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2016

This project is a request for an after-the-fact approval of the installation of two 3,500-gallon water storage tanks and one 1,500-gallon water storage tank for landscaping of a residential property, and for proposed water delivery service to fill the tanks up to four times a week...

SB 1190

Meeting Date:

May 1, 2016

SB 1190, introduced by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and coauthored by Assemblymember Das Williams, would ban ex parte communications with a Commissioner for quasi-judicial (i.e., individual permit applications) and enforcement matters...

Brown After-the-Fact Permit

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2016

This project brought into discussion the interesting issue of a post-Coastal Act development requiring an after-the-fact permit for a seawall necessary to protect both the applicant’s home and a neighboring pre-Coastal Act development...

Sonoma Coast Parking Fees

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2016

California’s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) continued to push its plan to implement new fees at gravel parking lots in very rural stretches of the Sonoma coast. This was the second hearing before the Coastal Commission on DPR’s proposal...

Issue:Strands Settlement Agreement & Cease and Desist Order

Meeting Date:

April 1, 2016

This case began in 2009 when the City of Dana Point adopted ordinances that restricted coastal access to the Strand Beach access areas. The hours that the City decided upon to allow public access were enforced by the installation of gates...

Amending Clause to Interim Executive Director Appointment

Meeting Date:

March 1, 2016

As well vocalized by many public speakers at the March Coastal Commission hearing, deciding upon an interim Executive Director is not a position that the public desired...